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Learn about training with me online

 pride in strength

come and discover strongman events at my regular queer strong people workshop

Like me were you brought up watching World’s Strongest Man at Christmas? Did you ever think you’d like to try it?

Well the awesome news is that you can! And you don’t need to look like a bag of walnuts, have a power belly or look like you eat bricks for fun…unless you want to of course

Pride in Strength are regular fabulous strongman workshops for LGBTQ+. Expect fun, awesome people, amazing music and lots of lifting! Every session is focused on different strongman events, all abilities welcome! It’s just £50 to join us for 3 hours. We’ve covered everything from log pressing to yoke carries. Sessions happen when the gym is closed to the public, this is a safe awesome space that you can explore freely. Check out EVENTS for the latest offerings!