Fighting Fatigue

Do you find yourself feeling exhausted after work? Do you wake up feeling tired? You know you need to change your lifestyle but you just don’t have the energy.

Does this sound familiar? Our modern lifestyle is hectic, stressful and it often feels as if there aren’t enough hours in the day to get things done. By the same token, we can easily fall into the pattern of wishing our lives away, focusing on the weekend and that small chance to get a bit of respite, some family time or just a lie in. We would all love a bit more energy in our lives, some extra enthusiasm, the ability to take on everything and actually enjoy our experience of living.

Steps can be taken to make this possible. A few adjustments to habits and behaviours can make a world of difference. As with any behaviour change, small gradual improvements are likely to result in more permanent results. I have devised a few simple steps that you can integrate into your life. Try to take on one at a time, adding a new habit every two weeks. In time you will find yourself more focused, with more energy and a new found desire for living!

1.     Drink more water. This is such a simple lifestyle change but it can have such a positive impact. Drink little amounts frequently. Do you ever find yourself in a position where you suddenly realise you haven’t drunk anything in some time and neck a litre of water in one go? When we get really thirsty this is always a temptation but even in these extreme circumstances it’s best to go steady. Over-hydration can cause many health complications, not to mention needing the toilet a lot! Sipping water helps your body use this vital fuel more effectively for temperature control, energy, blood glucose levels and muscle contractions to name but a few. To get you on track with water intake, I recommend obtaining a water bottle with timing reminders on the side. These are readily available on


2.     Get more sleep. Sleeping well can have a massive impact on your energy levels during the day. It sounds obvious but many of us don’t achieve enough sleep. Often we don’t give sleep the credit it’s due, seeing our tasks for the day as more important. In order to think clearly and perform effectively at work, a good night’s sleep is essential. A good habit to get into is going to bed and waking up at the same time daily. Don’t use laptops or mobile phones an hour before bed, turn off any unnecessary electronic equipment and have a hot bath for 20 minutes. These small steps can help the mind and body relax and prepare for rest.


3.     Daily exercise. Start your day with light exercise. Wake up 15 minutes earlier and take the dog (or just yourself!) out for a walk, plan to cycle to work or practice some yoga if the weather is dreadful. It might seem like a challenge at first but a little bit of exercise every day will provide a much needed energy boost and endorphin release, giving you more of a lust for life.


4.     Frequent food intake. Plan to eat 6 times a day as opposed to 3. Snacking is good! A good aim is to have something every 2 hours. You can batch cook foods at home and bring packs of food to work or you can find healthy snacks at the supermarket. Berries and nuts are brilliant snacks and tend to have very few or no preservatives. Having frequent meals means your metabolic rate will also increase, leading to increased fat loss potential. In addition, these smaller, frequent meals will help to keep blood sugar levels steady for longer periods. This in turn creates longer lasting energy and less potential for energy slumps throughout the day.


5.     Plan stress-reducing activities. Schedule in daily activities that you find help to combat stress. This could be something simple like listening to music. It might be a hobby that is dear to you like drawing or just reading. Others find more intense activities such as going to the gym help to reduce anxiety and stress. Whatever it might be, aim to get in some relaxation time every day in order to settle your mind.


6.     Strategy for weight loss and wellbeing. Being overweight can cause problems with energy levels as your body has to work harder to perform daily tasks. In addition, it is likely that your additional weight is linked to a poor diet containing low nutrient foods that might provide initial instant energy but then cause an energy slump as the energy quickly wears off. Getting fat levels down will help to reduce stress and improve energy. In turn, it is possible to improve an overall sense of wellbeing. Small steps can be taken to improve diet. Begin by cutting down on sugary snacks, white rice, bread and pasta. Once this is achieved, I would recommend trying to integrate 3 servings of fruit or veg daily. This can then be increased to 5 servings. To help your body perform at more optimal levels, I would advise supplementing certain vitamins and minerals. B12 and B6 are great for improving your energy levels and fighting fatigue. Vitamin C and Omega 3 are anti-oxidants which will help to keep your immune system strong whilst you battle through the busy day. In addition to supplements and dietary changes, a personalised exercise plan will guarantee results when trying to lose weight and gain energy. Along with your daily light exercise routine, it would be beneficial to try and fit in two 30-60minute training sessions. These might be in the form of a boot camp, circuit training session or personal training.

For a personalised program geared towards transforming your body and mind, contact us today for a consultation. We can recommend specific nutrients, supplements and exercise routines to get you looking and feeling amazing. We do more than just train clients, we set them up for life by providing fun, effective sessions and educating individuals in order to get results and keep them!

Ben Savin